The Ashley Bryan School

The Ashley Bryan School
Serving Children in Grades K-8 from the Cranberry Isles

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome to the Islesford School!

Come on in and visit our very small island school! The Islesford School serves children in grades K-8 from Islesford and Great Cranberry Island. This blog follows the activities of our school. We hope you enjoy your visit!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoy going to this school. It is a lot like home-schooling almost, because it is so small, and we all get along so well together.

  3. At our school we students are like family. (Well, a family that gets along!!)

  4. I really enjoyed reading the blog and look forward to more additions. I am impressed with the quality of writing and think this is a terrific way to practice and to hone your writing skills.
    Islesford School rocks!!!
    Best to all,
    Susan White
    Bucksport and Cranberry Island
    cc: Board of Selectmen of Town of Cranberry Isles

  5. I'm so enjoying this school-year, everything is going so well!
